3 quotes from Chelsea Clinton, the former first child.

Quotes made famous by the former first child...Chelsea Clinton...

Interesting fact about Chelsea, she was nominated by the SF Chronicle for having the best pet in the White House...

Best pet: Chelsea Clinton's cat, Socks. Socks was the first White House cat since Amy Carter's Misty Malarky Ying Yang and became a celebrity. After leaving office, Socks served as grand marshal of the Little Rock, Ark., Christmas parade. Seriously. They say the Movie "Chasing Liberty" was inspired after the writers saw a picture of Chelsea at a Stanford basketball game.

Chelsea Clinton said...

  1. I had seen people who had lost everything and everyone they loved to war, famine, and natural disasters.

  2. We proved we could be safe and secure at home, and still have more allies and friends in the world.

  3. "Wow, you're the first person actually that's ever asked me that question in the, I don't know maybe, 70 college campuses I've now been to, and I do not think that is any of your business," {when asked by a student, Evan Strange, at Butler University on whether her mothers credibilty was weakened by the Monica Lewinsky scandal}

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